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Weather forecast

Have a look at the weather forecast of South Tyrol.

Weather forecasts for Saturday, 27.07.24

General weather conditions

High air pressure will continue to determine the weather, but the air masses will be more unstable.

Min 22° - Max 33°

Weather today

The sun will shine frequently in the afternoon. High clouds will move through and cumulus clouds will develop. Single thunderstorms are possible.

Min 21° - Max 34°

Weather tomorrow

On Sunday, it will initially be very sunny apart from localised patches of high fog. During the course of the day, cumulus clouds will form and a few thunderstorms will develop. Föhn winds in the northern valleys.


Mo, 29.07
Min 13° - Max 35°
Tu, 30.07
Min 12° - Max 34°
We, 31.07
Min 12° - Max 35°
Fam. Flarer Jaufen Street 26, I-39019 Dorf Tyrol, South Tyrol Mobile 0039 328 1966788
VAT No. 01493690216